31 October 2007 , 18:30

Poster Presentations by the doctoral students of the Berlin School of Mind and Brain:

Radoslaw Cichy, Malte Engel, Antje Gentsch, Holger Gerhardt, Nikos Green, Friederike Hohlefeld, Thorsten Kahnt, Philipp Kallerhoff, Ida Momennejad, Kristina Musholt, Roland Nigbur, Franziska Preuße, Fernando Ramirez

Topics: - Brain stimulation: mechanisms, ethics and causation (Radoslaw Cichy)
- Moral responsibility (Malte Engel)
- Cognitive control and self/other distinction (Antje Gentsch)
- Risk and ambiguity version in the brain? (Holger Gerhardt)
- Rewards and perceptual decision-making (Nikos Green)
- Understanding and modifying cognitive states with neurofeedback (Friederike Hohlefeld)
- Consciousness and decision-making (Thorsten Kahnt)
- Expected value modulation of attention (Philipp Kallerhoff)
- Modeling distal intentions (Ida Momennejad)
- Selfconsciousness - from nonconceptual content to the concept of a self (Kristina Musholt)
- Processes of adaptation after different conflict types (Roland Nigbur)
- Exploring the nature of mathematical giftedness (Franziska Preuße)
- Testing the hypothesis of isomorphism between neural and mental representations (Fernando Ramirez) All are welcome to discuss posters and enjoy the Wine & Cheese reception. Maps to Sternsaal




Zentrum für Anatomie (Waldeyerhaus)

Charité Campus Mitte

Philippstr. 12

10115 Berlin