25 November 2020 , 16:00 - 17:30

SCIoI Distinguished Speaker Series via Zoom: Michele Rucci (Rochester)

“Seeing by moving: the indissoluble bond between perception and action”

SCIoI Distinguished Speaker Series via Zoom

We are excited to announce this Fall’s Distinguished Speaker Series at Cluster of Excellence Science of Intelligence (SCIoI):

  • Thursday 29 October 11:00am–12:30pm: Giovanni Pezzulo, ISTC-CNR Rome, Italy: “Human sensorimotor communication during human joint action: experimental and computational perspectives” (Hosted by Verena Hafner)
  • Thursday 26 November 4:00–5:30pm: Michele Rucci, University of Rochester,USA: “Seeing by moving: the indissoluble bond between perception and action” (Hosted by Marianne Maertens)
  • Thursday 3 December 4:00–5:30pm: Naomi Leonard, Princeton University, USA: “Opinion Dynamics with Tunable Sensitivity: Consensus, Dissensus, and Cascades” (Hosted by Joerg Raisch)
  • Thursday 17 December 4:30–6:00pm: Patricia Churchland, University of California, San Diego, USA: “Title to be announced” (Hosted by Rasha Abdel-Rahman)

Zoom links to be announced.

To attend a lecture, register here: https://www.scienceofintelligence.de/attending-talks
or write to: communication@scioi.de

