11 November 2020 , 15:30 - 16:30

Doctoral Studies at the Faculty of Life Sciences, HU Berlin

Information Meeting via Zoom

Zoom: https://hu-berlin.zoom.us/j/67483511115?pwd=eTFaL1IyWVlSbVk4Z0kzM0Npb0tQQT09

The Graduate Centre at the Faculty of Life Sciences (HU Berlin) will hold an information meeting for doctoral candidates enrolled at the faculty.

The biannual Information event will inform new doctoral candidates about essential issues related to your doctoral studies at the faculty and cover topics such as

  •     Regulations and formalities: admission, enrolment and the doctoral examination process
  •     Individual doctoral studies vs. structured doctoral programmes
  •     Offers of Humboldt Graduate School, Graduate Centre Life Sciences, Berufliche Weiterbildung (vocational training) and Language Centre
  •     Rights and obligations of doctoral candidates

Zoom link to the event: https://hu-berlin.zoom.us/j/67483511115?pwd=eTFaL1IyWVlSbVk4Z0kzM0Npb0tQQT09

If you are enrolled (or planning to enroll at) a different faculty, it is still recommended that you participate in the information event as the topics covered are
relevant to all doctoral candidates in one form or another. Take notes during the event and then contact your local graduate center or Promotionsbüro to confirm the specific rules and regulations that apply to you.