Mind-Brain Lecture: Jason Stanley (Yale)
19 June 2014, 18:30-20:00
Venue: Bernstein Zentrum für Computational Neuroscience, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Philippstraße 13, Haus 6, 10115 Berlin
In this talk, I propose a theory of the nature of skill, one that explains its connections to obviously important philosophical matters, and in particular to knowledge. This account vindicates the traditional place of skill as a properly central concern of philosophy.
Further events
Venue: Luisenstraße 56 Room 224
20 June, 14.00: Individual Journal Club with Jason Stanley: “Motor skill depends on knowledge of facts” (authors: Jason Stanley and John W. Krakauer)
Please register: mb-assistance@hu-berlin.de
24 June, 18.30: Joint session of the colloquia of Michael Pauen and Thomas Schmidt: Jason Stanley (Yale): “Die Beziehung zwischen Propaganda und Ideologie”
Venue: Humboldt-Universität main building, Unter den Linden 6, Room 3059
Flyer download (pdf 150KB)
We are happy to welcome back Jason Stanley who held a Meisterkurs at the Berlin School of Mind and Brain in 2012.