Post-doctoral fellowship in the neuroscience of decision making (emphasis on fMRI)

Application deadline: 11 April 2011 (and until the position is filled)

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Berlin School of Mind and Brain
Einstein Visiting Fellow
Professor R J Dolan

Fellowship Ref. Nr.: EVF 2011/3

Applications are invited for a post-doctoral fellowship in cognitive neuroscience, funded by the Einstein Foundation Berlin. The fellowship will be held at the Berlin School of Mind and Brain of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin under the supervision of Professor R J Dolan. The focus of the fellowship will be the neuroscience of decision making, with an emphasis on fMRI. (Two further fellowships in decision making, also part of R J Dolan's group in Berlin, were recently filled, and the fellows will soon take up their positions.)

The candidate should have a PhD either completed or in submission. Requisite skills should include the ability to program, and skills in MATLAB. Some knowledge of computational neuroscience would be an advantage. The successful candidate should have displayed an aptitude to work independently and have an established interest in the general theme of the fellowships.

Application deadline: 11 April (and until the position is filled)

Start date: as soon as possible.

Contract period: two years (extension may be possible).

Funding: EUR 2,100 p.c.m.  This is a tax-free scholarship. Health and other insurances will have to be borne by the recipients.

Please apply by sending your letter of application, CV, and
names and addresses of three referees to:

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Berlin School of Mind and Brain
Professor R J Dolan
Luisenstraße 56
10099 Berlin

or by e-mail to:

Further information:
Annette Winkelmann, M.A. (managing director)
Berlin School of Mind and Brain
T +49 30 2093-1706