04 August 2013 , 18:30 - 20:00

Mind-Brain Lecture: Michael Richardson (Cincinnati)

“Investigating the complex dynamics of joint-action and social coordination”

“Meet the Speaker” for M&B doctoral students:
6 August, 10.00, Lounge (Luisenstraße 56)
Please register:
Abstract: A fundamental feature of social behavior is the face-to-face or co-present interactions that characterize everyday social activity. The success of such interactions, whether measured in terms of social connection, goal achievement, or the ability of an individual or group of individuals to understand and predict the meaningful intentions and behaviors of others, is not only dependent on the processes of social cognition and perception, but also on the between-person motor coordination that makes such interaction possible. Understanding and modeling the dynamics of social motor coordination, including how it emerges and is maintained over time, as well as how its stable states are activated, dissolved, transformed, and exchanged over time, is therefore an extremely important endeavor. Here I will review research aimed at uncovering and modeling the temporal and spatial patterns that dynamically emerge during a number of different multi-agent action tasks, including rhythmic and discreet movement tasks, interpersonal stimulus and response tasks, and coordination tasks that involve children with autism spectrum disorder. In turn, I will describe a dynamical modeling strategy for capturing and understanding the self-organized behavioral dynamics of goal-directed physical activity among socially coordinated human agents. Michael J. Richardson, Center for Cognition, Action and Perception
Department of Psychology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA All are welcome!



Dr. Anna Strasser



Berlin School of Mind and Brain

Luisenstraße 56

R. 144 (ground floor)

10117 Berlin