12 May 2016 , 11:00 - 12:30

Mind-Brain Lecture: Cristina Ottaviani (Rome)

“Heart rate variability as a biomarker of cognitive, emotional, and somatic health”

Please register for this talk by 12 May: mb-assistance@hu-berlin.de

Dr. Ottaviani’s research expertise and interest are on how brain and body interact to influence subjective experience, behaviour, and physical health. Dr. Ottaviani has a strong background in cardiovascular psychophysiology, with a specific focus in the relationship between autonomic modulation and prefrontal cortex functioning, and how this can lead to adaptive versus non-adaptive motivated behaviours. Dr. Ottaviani has ongoing research project in collaboration with leading experts in the field, such as Prof. David Shapiro (UCLA, USA), Prof. Hugo Critchley (University of Sussex, UK), and Prof. Julian F. Thayer (The Ohio State University, USA). Cristina Ottaviani, PhD (Santa Lucia Foundation, Rome, Italy) will present cross-sectional and longitudinal data obtained in a series of laboratory, ambulatory, and imaging studies conducted in healthy and psychopathological subjects on the relationships between cognitive inflexibility and autonomic nervous system rigidity.



Dr. Francesco Barban



Berlin School of Mind and Brain

Luisenstraße 56

10117 Berlin

R. 123 (ground floor)