08 March 2022 , 10:00 - 11:30

Cordelia Fine (Melbourne) (online)

“Avoiding Neurosexism in Neuroscience”. Please register.

FEM POWER, Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology Magdeburg

Registration and contact for further details:
Dr. Sarah Czerney; sarah.czerney(at)lin-magdeburg.de

Biological explanations of differences in behaviour between women and men or girls and boys are to be found everywhere, from scientific articles to bestselling self-help books, diversity and inclusion workshops, and Hollywood movies. However, researching, understanding, and interpreting male/female differences in brain and behaviour is surprisingly complicated, and particularly so when humans are involved. To help everyone parse the next biological explanation of female/male differences in behaviour that appears in the academic literature or popular media, this talk will review eight things everyone should know, look out for, and ask – from the nitty-gritty of whether there even is a difference to the grand sweep of evolutionary explanations. (This talk is based on work co-authored with Gina Rippon and Daphna Joel.)
